- 百雀羚品牌介绍英文版?
- 百雀羚是世界500强吗?
Pechoin is a skin care brand of SPDC. The package of this product is often a small round iron box in yellow or blue. In 2008, it won the title of Famous Trademark of China. And before that, it had already won the title of Famous Trademark of Shanghai.In 1931, a company named FuBeiKang in Shanghai introduced the formulation from Germany, and introduced Pechoin as the first generation of skin care goods in China.
百雀羚是上海百雀羚日用化学有限公司(英文缩写:SPDC)旗下品牌,创立于1931年,是国内著名的化妆品牌,曾获“中国驰名商标”“上海市著名商标”等多项荣誉,多次被国家领导人作为国礼赠予外国友人。 百雀羚主要产品有:护肤用品、洗护发用品、个人清洁用品、花露水和美容化妆用品等。目前不是世界500强。